Home 9 Punto d'Interesse 9 Livorno Gate

Livorno Gate

Visible from the Port and from Corso Marconi, but not accessible due to the presence of steps on both sides.

Sottoportici del Consolato

Just beyond theVanvitelli Fountain, along the great crenellated wall built by Pope Urban VIII in 1639, you can admire the front of Livorno Gate, an important architectural work built in 1761 at the behest of Pope Clement XIII, with the intention of connecting the port area to the north of the city.
A recent restoration has brought it back to its former glory, after the serious damage suffered during the last world war.
The name comes from the fact that it is facing towards the Tuscan city.
It’s often home to theater events, shows, or fashion shows.

Punti correlati:

Calata della Rocca

Corso Guglielmo Marconi, 69

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